lundi 25 octobre 2010


Dans ma main tu regardes
La terre d'autrefois
L'âge qu'auront mes fils
L'air qui vient de la mer

Prends-les ; prends-les
Ces lueurs nées de l'aube
Ces insomnies célestes
Ces grands champs nus baignés d'azur

Mais tu regardes sans comprendre
Cette main, cette main de femme
Et sans bruit tu vas ton chemin.

1 commentaire:



    There's much in the world that you can't explain.
    It's revealed for you to remember
    by the whispering voice of a distant train
    or a midnight rain in november.

    Horizon within! You can always find
    the keys to Enigma. Let's mention
    one basic Truth: of spirited Mind
    is Nature naught but extension.

    Internal expanses! In dreams, ridden
    by fear and longing you roam
    that deep Southeast in your soul hidden
    ...on your random journey back home.


    As a native Swede, I am particularly proud of my love poetry suite Sonnets for Katie.

    My Poems



    My Spanish Poetry

    And: reciprocity: for mutual benefit, you will do me a favor promoting your own blog on mine!

    The best way to do it is lining up as a Follower, since then your icon will advertise you indefinitely, and I will follow you in return. Let's forge a mighty alliance of synergy and common interest.


    - Peter Ingestad, Sweden


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